Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cellar Windows I Want A Sink In The "Cellar" Or "Basement"...?

I want a sink in the "Cellar" or "Basement"...? - cellar windows

Basically, we are interested in a house. The problem is the wine cellar. There is nothing, but is designed "new" for flooring, lighting, and at least one window well.

But when asked about a bathroom - it always came back negative for the toilet and shower. I had a reason, just a message on my phone saying "Oh, we can not do."

I can solve without a second bathroom, but can not really be possible to have a sink? It is the most important.


kay said...

What you want can be done, but can be expensive, depending on the situation on the existing pipelines. I suggest you call the local plumbers to tender.

Here, a pump discharge of sewage, which can be used, if the lines on the tank basement, for example: ...
and a toilet "upflush" ...

They also want to consult the Building Code of local authorities ... sometimes by plumbing fixtures additional funding for the revision of the tank drain field, or improving other parts of the code system to similar or dissatisfaction antne $ $ $.

William B said...

Theres a toilet that flushed. ! and receiver must have a catchment area with a pump for the sewage to a drain,

running on empty said...

If the ground is now on the ground, then dig a trench from the main line stack / drain where you want the future is bathroom.It all the time in old houses. Then cement the soil and its good to go. If there is a concrete slab, cutting of the trench.

etcher1 said...

Check out this link, you can get almost everything when the securities of the local code.

Hope it helps.

don p said...

I installed bathrooms in the basement the whole time. No, to break the ground, there is a bomb Drain (Sani-Flush), which fit behind the toilet and the pump for all the major leave. The cost of the pump above $ 800.00

dawnb said...

Every place can be a bathroom. It has been analyzed, and it is expensive, especially when it art brut. Providers do not do it for you, but you can do it later. Call a number of plumbers and receive offers, decide where you want it and go from there.

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